As of March 1st, we have integrated our blog as part our existing website, check it out at www.tydlemag.com/blog/ Special thanks to staff member Matt McDonald for putting the extra effort to make this happen. Tydlemag is one step closer to becoming all you will ever need when it comes to flatland skim.
Shhh skimboards new mini movie
Michel Brands sent me a link to this video shot last weekend. The guys in holland are really starting to step it up, check it out.
Last skim comp of the Frankston Skim Series
The guys at nemo continue to push their scene with their final installment of their skim series. Rumor has it that a couple american inlanders might me making there way to the land down under for the event.

Also on a completely different note, we donated a bunch of photos to inlandskimmovent.com, so go check them out. We are pumped on what the guys at ISM are doing for the sport and will continue to help their cause as best we can.
The Tydlemag t-shirt
Coming Soon..... For those who want to support the publication, this t-shirt will be the best way to do just that. The t-shirt will be available in a variety of bright colors and three different print colors. For the small investment of 20 dollars you will be helping Tydlemag to continue producing the only flatland skim mag and be looking fly all at the sametime.

New Site for DB
Dashboards just dropped their new website for 2009, which includes their new 2009 board line and a pretty sick teaser for their up coming video Nice Pop, go check it out www.dbskimboards.com

www.inlandskimgermany.de - The flatlanders of Germany have created a nice little internet home for themselves . Since I don't speak a lick of german, I google translated the site and found that it has some solid information on flatland skim along with a blog for news and what looks to be a forum on its way. We wish this site the best of luck in the future. Hit us up guys if you ever want to join forces.

Lynch reports back and ISM drops another mini movie
Here I am back from my first photo shot of the season and I must say that I had a lot of fun with the Blueback crew. The weather on Vancouver Island is never very reliable in the dead of winter. When I left my house with doom and gloom forecasts, for my two days in Nanaimo, I was just hoping to be given the opportunity to snap a few photos. I have to say that the guys in Nanaimo are as core as they get, the temperatures where frigid, and there was still snow on the ground but that didn't stop them from popping big and smiling for the camera. Thanks guys for showing me your spots and sharing some laughs.
While I was on the island the guys at ISM posted another sicky mini movie, along with a pretty neato interview with German ripper, Benjamin Nagel.
While I was on the island the guys at ISM posted another sicky mini movie, along with a pretty neato interview with German ripper, Benjamin Nagel.
Tydle Magazine - Stickers in the works.
So we just filled out an order for 2000 stickers in two different graphic styles. The first takes from the old surf culture stickers and the second also has a retro vibe. So how much are we going to charge for these stickers? Absolutely nothing. They are going to be available at all Tydlemag.com sponsored events and we will send you them anywhere in the world as long as you pay the postage. More details including a sticker placement contest, and some other good stuff when we get our hands on these stickers.

both will be 3.5 inch circles, black and white. No other colors are available because what can we say we are not working with the hugest of budgets here at Tydle.

Lynch heads to Vancouver Island
Lynch will be heading to Vancouver Island this weekend to meet up with the Blueback crew: an upcoming group of flatland skimboarders based out of Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. This is the first official photo shot for Tydle Magazine in 2009, look for Lynch to be traveling all over the place this summer, talking skim and snapping photos.
NCSA Flatland Fun Fest
Once again Tydle Magazine gets shafted by not even be asked to be apart of what we do best flatland skimboarding media. Oh well, c'est la vie. Anyway, if you are in the area go out and support flatland skimboarding.

Tydle Magazine talks with skimboardculture.com
The guys at skimboardculture.com asked us a few questions about our brand and we did our best to answer. So if you want to get to know us better or ever wondered how Tydlemag came into existence then check out the interview by clicking here.

Tydle Magazine's Big Catalogue 2009
So we here at Tydle Magazine are trying to put together a showcase of all the major flatland manufactures' products for 2009. If you have ever read a skate magazine then this concept is very familiar to you already. If not I will try my best to explain: We are going to display all the new 2009 boards, traction, videos, etc along with their specs all in one spot: The Big Catalogue. As of right now we have several companies on board and we just sent out the email two days ago. If everything goes to plan you will see the finished product in the spring and we hope to start a tradition of bringing you the goods in this form on a yearly basis. Stay tuned for more information on what we are up to.
Confirmed companies: Kayotics skimboards, Zed skimboards, Skull Skates, J-Gordon skimboards, Nemo skimboards, 77 skimboards, Trickoff, Freak Traction, OSX Skimboards, DB Skimboards, Roush Skimboards, Akwa Skimboards, Cloud 9 Clothing and Victoria Skimboards.
Southwick Stories- New York Flatland Blog
Matt flood (below) and the rest of the small scene that skim Southwick Beach on lake Ontario, just started blogging. All flatland scenes start of small, and we here at Tydle Magazine are excited to see what these guys get up to and how their scene develops. Anyway, enough chit chat go check out southwickstories.blogspot.com.

Puget Sound Throwdown 2009
Just got word from Marty Ferguson of Lakeside Skimboarding that the second year of the Puget Sound Throwdown is in the works. The tentative date for the event is August 8th. I will post more information as it becomes available.
Kayotics' New Mini Movie
The Kayotics just dropped a sick mini movie, on their website. Head over to kayotics.com, press on the extra section and then hit video to peep a collection of vids, including this new edit (the far right option). Rumor has it that Skimatics should be available for purchase in the very near future, so we will keep you updated on that.
Big Things Happening in Holland
Shhh skimboards, is making big moves this year in Holland. Michel Brands told Tydle Magazine that his full crew will be traveling around his homeland hitting different spots and doing demos in 2009. He also let it slip that Shhh is planning a combined flatland and wave contest loosely dated for the 6th and 7th of june, which he promises will be the biggest skim event Holland has seen yet. We at Tydle Magazine are stoked by what the Shhh guys are doing in the netherlands to push the sport and will keep everyone informed on what they are up to.
Trickoff Skimboards - Mini Movie
Check out this pure flatland video from Andre Agi of Trickoff Skimboards, Where ever that spot is in Sweden it looks epic. So sit back and take in some nice popped tricks and wish you could transport yourself back to summer.
Trickoff Skimboards - End of season 08 from Trickoff Skimboards on Vimeo.
Trickoff Skimboards - End of season 08 from Trickoff Skimboards on Vimeo.
Frankston Skim Series: Round 2
Nemo is doing a great job of supporting their scene in OZ. If you are around Frankston on Feb. 21st make your way out to the twilight skim comp. I wish I was out there looks like a ton of fun.

Shhh Skimboards doing there thing in the cold
The guys from Holland are hardcore for sure, check out this little video of them in Renesse killing some rails in the middle of winter. For more info on Shhh skimboards check out their website by clicking here.
DB Pro/Am 2009
The guys at dashboards have set the date of their 6th annual flatland event for June 27th. Tydle Magazine will be there supporting the sport we love. We will post more information on the event as it nears, until then peep this shoot of Richard Docter doing his thing from last year's event.

Flatland Specific Traction by Freak
We are stoked to see that Freak Traction is so down with flatland skim that they have designed a 6 piece traction set, just for us rail riders. Not only is Freak supporting flatland skim contests, including the Canadian Open but the word is out that they are working out some deals to sponsor some inland/flatland riders. Check out the freak website and their ISM interview for more information on the brand.

Lynch's ISM and Skimboardculture Interviews
Make sure to check out staff member Kyle Lynch's interview on inlandskimmovement.com and if you haven't already joined their message board do so because inland/flatland skim is always the main topic. Lynch is also highlighted on skimboardculture.com, another great skim site based out of the northwest.

Sacramento Skimfest: date and purse
Lon Porteous just announced the date and prize purse for Skimfest 09 on inlandskimmovement's messageboard. Sounds like this event is going to be epic, I will post out more details when they become available.
The date : August 29th, 2009
The location will be : Paradise beach/ Glenn Hall park, Sacramento, Ca.
Advanced /Pro 1st place this year will be $1,000.00 cash .
Advanced / Pro 2nd place will be $350.00 cash
Advanced / Pro 3rd place will be $150.00
The date : August 29th, 2009
The location will be : Paradise beach/ Glenn Hall park, Sacramento, Ca.
Advanced /Pro 1st place this year will be $1,000.00 cash .
Advanced / Pro 2nd place will be $350.00 cash
Advanced / Pro 3rd place will be $150.00
Birch Bay Best Trick Contest
The Guys at skimboardculture.com and Buildstrong clothing are throwing a best trick contest in Brich Bay on the 11th of July. Tydlemag.com will be showing its support, look out for Matt shooting photos and Lynch handing out goodies along with throwing down with the skimboarders for the prized best trick. We will post up more details as they become available.
Collegiate Flatland Fun Fest: Feb.28th
Hosted by the NCSA in Gainesville, Florida. This event promises to be a fun day of skimming, BBQing, music, and free stuff. There will be a best trick and worst fall for the day, but the focus of the event is just to hang out, not to compete. There will be give aways and raffles with a LOT of free stuff, so come out! for more information check out the facebook event by clicking here
Video from First Event in the Frankston Series
The guys down under just released this video from the first competition in Frankston beach skim series that took place on January 17th. So check out the action and get jealous at the fact that we are in the middle of winter and they are chilling in the sun.
ISM's Cap City Rail Jam
Inlandskimmovement.com just announced The Cap City Rail Jam taking place on June 13th at Paradise Beach (Sacramento). Tydle Magazine is supporting the event, because thats how we roll. So if you want more information on the event, check out the online proposal by clicking here.
Are you throwing a flatland skimboarding event? Get in touch with us at by shooting us an email to info@tydlemag.com and we will support it the best we can.
OXS Skim Jam

The guys at OXS and nzskim.com are throwing a skim jam. So if you are in the area make sure to head down there and get your skim on.
Canadian Open - Update
Just a little recap on things since I dropped the online proposal for the event. It has only been a few days but we are stoked by the amount of interest we are receiving from companies and riders alike. Tydle Magazine, Kayotics Skimboards, EOS, Zed Skimboards, Skull Skates, JGordon Skimboards, DB Skimboards, Freak Traction, Akwa Industries, Skimbc.com, Inlandskimmovement.com, 77 skimboards, Fourskims and Skim Invasion have all confirmed their involvement, who will be next? only time will tell.
Tydle Welcomes Matt McDonald
Tydlemag is stoked to welcome Matt McDonald to our team. Matt has been skimboarding since 1988 and grew up in Everett, WA right above Howarth Park (which was featured in Vol.2's article - the Puget Sound Throwdown). After traveling in search of waves he now calls Bellingham, WA his home. Matt works as a photo journalist for the Bellingham Herald and runs www.skimboardculture.com along with www.bodyboardculture.com. Tydle Magazine readers can expect some sick content coming from Matt in Tydle Volume 3.
The Official Proposal in now online.
So I finally finished the official proposal for the Canadian Open. Its going to be a two day event, taking place on the 25th and 26th of July in White Rock. I have sent it out to all of the flatland manufactures and companies we have on file here at Tydlemag.com, but nothing beats the personally approach so if you sponsored and unsponsored skimboarders want to pass on the pdf or link to someone who might be interested, that would be sick. Lets make this thing happen. Check out the online proposal by clicking here

Official Proposal - coming soon
I should have the finished product out in the next couple of days. It seems like there is a lot of interest floating around the internet, hopefully with any luck that will translate into sponsors jumping on the bandwagon.
Little insider news, I have been in touch with the guys at skim2live (texas) and it looks like they are throwing another competition in the early spring of 2009. I will post up more details when things get formalized.
Little insider news, I have been in touch with the guys at skim2live (texas) and it looks like they are throwing another competition in the early spring of 2009. I will post up more details when things get formalized.
Tydle Sticker - Ideas
I have been fooling around lately trying to come up with a Tydle Magazine sticker for this upcoming summer, hopefully if everything goes to plan I will be able to bring them to most of the major flatland events and maybe set up a mail in deal also. Just add two need ideas today, for those who are wondering why I am using red, white and black. It is cheaper to get printed.

3.5 inch - circle

3.5 inch - circle
3.5 inch - circle

2.75 inch width by 2.13 height

2.75 inch width by 2.13 height
A Canadian Flatland Skim Contest Proposal
So I have been working fairly hard on trying to get a Canadian flatland contest going for 2009, and this is the formal proposal I put together for the Canadian brands.

Hi Everyone,
My name is Kyle Lynch; I am one of the driving forces behind Tydle Magazine (tydlemag.com) and the Breakneck Skim Crew. I have been chosen to present a proposal to you: the Canadian flatland manufacturers by the riders actively participating on the inlandskimmovement.com forum. It has been a couple of years since there has been a international flatland contest in British Columbia. We have the largest active flatland population in the world, and the highest number of manufactures in that sector. So the table is set for an epic Skim Jam or Contest.
What could a Skim Jam or contest offer your company?
Advertising during the event in signage, on the event poster, and on rails, possible short video
Event coverage in Tydle Magazine (tydlemag.com) further advertising - which received over thousand unique visitors since it dropped Vol.2 on the 25th of dec.
10x 10 - tent to sell your goods
The ability to interact with your costumers face to face
Creating a legacy in the Canadian flatland market place: like that of Sacramento’s Skimfest
What Type of event are we talking about?
This has been discussed at length on the forums but I will give you a synopsis of what was suggested: 1) A formal contest with several obstacles running in heats and with the field narrowing down to a finals (amateur and sponsored). 2) A skim jam atmosphere with best trick contests throughout the day, each contest could be sponsored by a company – cash prizes for winners. Could run this in heats, or less formally with a given time period. 3) Is to run a goofy vs. Regular contest, there has been some differing views on this but maybe worth it to make a unique event since it has never been done in flatland skimboarding. My own opinion is to allow for a two day event – day one skimjam with cash prizes (lowkey meet and greet) and day two formal competition?
For more information on the forum discussions follow this link: http://inlandskimmovement.com/messageboard/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=73
When and where should the event take place?
Well the when has been decidedly place at the end of July to avoid conflict with other flatland contests, and to allow for the greatest number of sponsored riders to attend the event. The tides are prime in the lower mainland for the dates of July 25th and 26th both lasting around 7 hours.
I believe that there are two really good options in terms of flatland locations: and those are Spanish Banks and White Rock. Spanish Banks is massive and probably the best option in terms of having tons of space but the problem there is that a permit is necessary, and may be hard to acquire. White Rock may be easier because East Beach in on first nations land which has less restrictions, if they okay the event then we would basically be able to set up whatever we want in terms of tents, barbeques, music, They also have a large adjacent parking lot.
If interested?
If this sounds like something you are interested in please reply to all this email, If we find that this approach is to slow we could all arrange a meeting in the near future at a decided location since I have only sent this to Canadian manufactures and skimbc.com.
Last sales pitch
I believe that this is a great opportunity for all your companies, because the biggest drag about throwing an event like this solo is that they cost so much and is a ton of effort. By working together the event becomes not only a lot easier but also a lot cheaper. I think the flatland community in British Columbia deserves an epic annual event and you guys have the power to make something like this happen.
Kyle Lynch

My name is Kyle Lynch; I am one of the driving forces behind Tydle Magazine (tydlemag.com) and the Breakneck Skim Crew. I have been chosen to present a proposal to you: the Canadian flatland manufacturers by the riders actively participating on the inlandskimmovement.com forum. It has been a couple of years since there has been a international flatland contest in British Columbia. We have the largest active flatland population in the world, and the highest number of manufactures in that sector. So the table is set for an epic Skim Jam or Contest.
What could a Skim Jam or contest offer your company?
Advertising during the event in signage, on the event poster, and on rails, possible short video
Event coverage in Tydle Magazine (tydlemag.com) further advertising - which received over thousand unique visitors since it dropped Vol.2 on the 25th of dec.
10x 10 - tent to sell your goods
The ability to interact with your costumers face to face
Creating a legacy in the Canadian flatland market place: like that of Sacramento’s Skimfest
What Type of event are we talking about?
This has been discussed at length on the forums but I will give you a synopsis of what was suggested: 1) A formal contest with several obstacles running in heats and with the field narrowing down to a finals (amateur and sponsored). 2) A skim jam atmosphere with best trick contests throughout the day, each contest could be sponsored by a company – cash prizes for winners. Could run this in heats, or less formally with a given time period. 3) Is to run a goofy vs. Regular contest, there has been some differing views on this but maybe worth it to make a unique event since it has never been done in flatland skimboarding. My own opinion is to allow for a two day event – day one skimjam with cash prizes (lowkey meet and greet) and day two formal competition?
For more information on the forum discussions follow this link: http://inlandskimmovement.com/messageboard/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=73
When and where should the event take place?
Well the when has been decidedly place at the end of July to avoid conflict with other flatland contests, and to allow for the greatest number of sponsored riders to attend the event. The tides are prime in the lower mainland for the dates of July 25th and 26th both lasting around 7 hours.
I believe that there are two really good options in terms of flatland locations: and those are Spanish Banks and White Rock. Spanish Banks is massive and probably the best option in terms of having tons of space but the problem there is that a permit is necessary, and may be hard to acquire. White Rock may be easier because East Beach in on first nations land which has less restrictions, if they okay the event then we would basically be able to set up whatever we want in terms of tents, barbeques, music, They also have a large adjacent parking lot.
If interested?
If this sounds like something you are interested in please reply to all this email, If we find that this approach is to slow we could all arrange a meeting in the near future at a decided location since I have only sent this to Canadian manufactures and skimbc.com.
Last sales pitch
I believe that this is a great opportunity for all your companies, because the biggest drag about throwing an event like this solo is that they cost so much and is a ton of effort. By working together the event becomes not only a lot easier but also a lot cheaper. I think the flatland community in British Columbia deserves an epic annual event and you guys have the power to make something like this happen.
Kyle Lynch
Nemo pushing things in Oz

Frankston Beach, Australia is hosting a series of Competitions this year and we are stoked to see flatland exploding in the land down under from the hard work of the millsriderz and nemo.
Tydle Vol.2 - Now Online

We are Back! As promised with our second installment of Tydlemag, dubbed the holiday edition. We have put out hearts and souls into this one and we hope that we can drag you out of seasonal depression with this collection of various scenes, events, tips, interviews, and of course the best flatland photos on the planet. Read it now
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